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Hide the Car When Dementia is Diagnosed

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

After my parents licenses were revoked and insurance cancelled, they continued to drive. My brothers came to town to address the situation with my parents. It basically came down to them taking the keys and hiding the cars. To relive the drama, you can read the posts under “Operation Safety Net.” My dad found his car and somehow got it enabled. They moved it back into their garage last week. As I witnessed, much of the issue came down to pride mixed with the inability to remember they lost their licenses and don’t have insurance.However, my mom apparently wrote my sister to tell her Dad is now driving again. While I took them to the doctor last week and they were told over and over again that they are unable to drive due to their mental health, my mom reports that at this appointment, Dad got his license back.

At first I was really angry. I’ve been driving the parents around. I woke up early today to drive to their house to see if the car was in the garage. It was. That means they are still taking cabs – for now.

I figured this was a good opportunity to cover the most important principle if you must confiscate your parents car:

Hide the car where they are unable to find it. 

While we are appalled at our parents behavior now almost daily, the fact that they could figure this out brings a little pride – my parents are very clever.

Unfortunately, that just makes our job a little harder.  Tasked.

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