Understanding the life of someone suffering from dementia

When I started blogging,  one of my first readers was Kate Swaffer. She is diagnosed with early on-set dementia. I have an appetite for questions — it’s one of the best ways I learn.

I proposed to her that we launch a joint blog where we have a conversation. I will ask her many of the questions I would love to be able to ask my parents. She has helped me gain a broader, more compassionate understanding of dementia and how I can best help my parents.

The blog is now live and I invite you all to take a look. It’s called The Dementia DialogueProud.

3 thoughts on “Understanding the life of someone suffering from dementia

  1. I will definitely visit this new blog. There are so many questions I have for my mom but feel I cannot ask. It would be nice to have some inside perspective on the thoughts of someone with dementia.

    1. Please send them to me and I will share them with Kate — we haven’t figured out how to “take questions” but I can pull them from comments and post them to her.

  2. Thanks for highlighting our joint effort Kay. And I will be more than happy to try and answer other peoples questions too. On the blog idea, I vaguely recall you sent me some questions by email, and I suggested a blog might be the way for us to ask each other questions… although you have done virtually all of the work in setting it up, other than my dear BUB with the image! I think it will become a rich resource, as I have many questions I am too afraid to ask my husband, children and significant others, and so we may be able to not only help each other understand more deeply, but to heal. It is very exciting…

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